Friday, August 2, 2013


Shop your hearts out people!!!
H&M is literally one of my most favorite stores ever, for the whole family. We don't get there too often because the nearest one is like an hour away but I'm constantly viewing their online catalog wishing I was closer or could buy online.

I hated that their online maternity section was so skimp though, well now that you can shop online they really have a maternity section!!!! YAY!!! My growing midsection (and top section and lower section) is so giddy I could die!!! Now that I'm 17 weeks I can finally start looking into buying some maternity wear, show me to the stretching pants!

Here are a few items I can't wait to purchase when I get more round and less plump:

Nice Fall/Winter jacket for only $39.95!!
(You can find it here)

I know stripes aren't supposed to be flattering but COME ON, you don't believe that right?! (look here)

Grey Skinny Jeans, yes please! A little steep for what I want to pay for jeans I'll only wear a few months but $35 dollars for maternity jeans isn't uncommon! (check them out here)

Well I love H&M because their clothes are so perfect but also because their prices aren't too steep. I mean you can't get maternity wear for much less than they sell it for. I am such a bargain shopper, if the price doesn't meet my expectations I don't want it! This outfit I'd totally rock and will probably purchase soon. :)


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