How far along? 34 weeks (8 Months next week) -- 6 more weeks!!
Total weight gain: I'm guessing around 151?!, 16 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight of 135 OR 26 lbs from my lowest pregnancy weight (after all that morning sickness) 125. I've been eating a lot of grapefruit lately, still on my clementine kick and SO EXCITED FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER! I'll update my weight Monday, I have a doctors appointment in the morning.

Maternity clothes? ABSOLUTELY! Every day I am wearing SOMETHING maternity. Occasionally I'll wear a coat, sweater or a pair of jeans that aren't but my shirts always are!
Stretch marks? I finally found one! Yesterday after a hot shower I was moisturizing and found one, on the top of my thigh. Go figure, here's to hoping it's not the beginning of a new trend because if it is I will most certainly not be able to keep up with them.
Sleep: I am so tired. Last week I hoped I would be able to sleep over the weekend but no such luck. None what-so-ever! Stayed up late and I was up with Ryder each morning. I'm officially a mombie (mom + zombie = mombie), I guess this is good preparation for the little nugget to get here and wake me at all hours but I've never been one to prepare for things unless it's with a list.
Best moment this week: Catching the amazing Brandon Stephens gawking at my belly in awe, and not like damn she has a big belly but like she's amazing, it makes me feel really loved and special when he looks at me that certain way.. you ladies know what I'm talking about!
Miss anything? I miss
Movement: He is slowing down but still on track with the kick count. I think I felt hiccups in my rib cage the other day, I hope he hasn't turned around and gets his little booty where it needs to be so I can have a nice and happy delivery.
Food cravings: Junk, Still eating Altoids but I did have a random craving for garlic bread and cheetos this week, I only gave in once. Healthier, grapefruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all!
Labor signs: I may have felt a contraction in the grocery store but it also could have been a Braxton Hicks with the added pressure from my little man pushing while stretching in there. Not comfortable, but I didn't die.
Symptoms: No sleep, constant need to go to the bathroom, inability to successfully control emotions, umbilical hernia, constant lack of oxygen, can't sleep comfortably, pinched sciatica nerve and top it off with the same pelvic pain/pressure I've been feeling for MONTHS. Best thing ever is my skin clearing up finally (thanks proactiv) and carrying this sweet little boy!
Belly button in or out? Out, with the super awkward hernia still in full effect.
Wedding rings on or off? On, it's loose around where it sits but tight to take off (around the knuckle).
Happy or moody most of the time: Today I had a massive fit about a missing bra, but I think otherwise I've been happy and packing on the lbs! WOWZAS ;)
Looking forward to:
Thanksgiving: TODAY!!!!
Getting our Christmas Tree: Tomorrow
Brandon's Birthday: 8 days
Work Days until D-Day: 24 days
Christmas: 26 days
New Years: 33 days
Baby's D-Day: 41 days
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