Friday was nice and quiet and spent relaxing on the couch watching part of Life of Pi, Ryder is seriously entranced by the movie it is so neat to watch how excited it makes him and Brandon and I really enjoy it too. We had to pick up the U-haul at opening so we cut the movie short and went to bed about 1/2 way through, it was a total shame because Ryder's favorite part (in my opinion) has to be when the island glows before they escape.
Saturday morning we helped Brandon's Mom move and I was basically useless aside from directing with my hernia I'm not really able to lift much. I was quickly put on pillow duty with Ryder, who I think may have carried heavier things than I did. -_- Soon after we were finished we had to drop Brandon off at his football game and Ryder and I went home for a SUPER necessary nap, his last time in his toddler bed in Mommy and Daddy's room! He took it like a champ. Of course I set me alarm and woke up on time to text Brandon to see how late the game was running... oh you know just 40 MINUTES! So I did some cleaning and waited to wake up Ryder until the last possible minute.
Ry in the moving truck, he was SO excited! |
After we got Brandon we sped home to get the carpets cleaned in Ryder's room and move out any last minute items. We had made plans to have dinner at our friends house so we drove over after the carpets, we left the room completely unfinished and needing to put furniture together. When we got there dinner was almost ready but I was a bit antsy to get home and get Ryder's bed set up and room ready so we could all spend a night in our own rooms and beds. Well we stayed later than I would have liked which meant Ryder stayed up a little later than I'd like but it was worth it!
We got the bed up and before I could say or do anything else, these two were snuggled up and passed out.
When you're 6'7 this is how you fit on every bed that isn't a California King |
Ryder's first night in his BIG BOY bed
Well I was done working in that room for the night then, so I went on to vacuum out our room and pick up books/toys that had been left behind. When that was done I was still wide awake from the moving so I went and got the bassinet that was waiting in the garage and brought it up to our room and set it all up. Talk about overfilling my heart with cuteness for the night. Seeing Brandon and Ryder snuggle and then having an actual bassinet in our room to remind me this is really happening! OVERJOYED! Then I passed out. Hahaha, what? This Mama put in a lot of work for a Saturday!
Sunday Brandon was out the door before either mine or little Ry's eyes were open for a house inspection. When Ryder woke up (9:40!!!) he went straight to the bathroom and then ran into my room to say good morning then right back out to change his clothes for the day (SEAHAWKS SUNDAY) and read a book in bed.
Woke up and found Ry reading to himself in his new bed! |
He is so absolutely smitten about this bed I can't get over it, he slept in it all night and was the happiest kid ever when he woke up.
On Saturday we were given this beautiful chair from Brandon's Grandma and it is seriously even more stunning (and comfortable) in person!! She's had this beauty for 50 + years and we are so thankful she chose to share it with us!
Mimosa brunch that I missed at my amazing friend Chana's :( |
I was tagged in this mouthwatering photo of mimosas and brunch and am so jealous that I wasn't there! On Wednesday I made sure that Brandon's schedule was clear so he could stay with Ry while I went to a Nerium launch party for my friend Chana. Too bad an hour before I called Brandon and got nothing then 30 minutes before I called again and he finally answered and forgot to mention he was going to be late... like not until the launch party was over late. >_< SO MAD! So then I had to call and cancel and that drives me crazy to feel like I flaked out on something. If there is one thing I NEVER want to be known for it's being a flake, I will not make plans if there is a possibility I will not make it. That's just how I am, but I'm really glad I have such an understanding friend that went on to host an awesome party with some other amazing ladies!
Brandon trying to make up for it via Ryder. |
When Brandon did get home, he tried to butter me up with flowers via Ryder and kisses. That kid is a serious charmer, how could you be upset when someone so cute wants kisses on top of kisses and hands you such a beautiful bouquet?!
Painting candy corn plates |
During the game Ryder and I decided to paint some pumpkins, he thought it'd be a good idea to wear our aprons so we wouldn't mess up our clothes. I love this kid, and he loved painting paper plates!
Here they are from start to finish and I have to say I absolutely love them:
Finished product! |
Football & Naps |
During the second half of the game Ryder was so tired he passed out for a late nap and Brandon did an amazing job not screaming at every touchdown and fumble and let Ryder sleep so well!
Sunday late afternoon Fall walk on the Chehalis Western Trail |
After the game we loaded up all 3 dogs and Ryder with his bike to head out for a little family time on the Chehalis Western Trail. This thing is such a blessing for us, Ryder and the pups love it so much! Unfortunately my tiny bladder being kicked and punched by our 2 lb little ninja couldn't make it too far and we had to turn back before our goal because this Mama needed to pee! Speaking of, this is Ryder just after pulling his pants up to go potty off the trail... what can I say? He's all BOY!
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